Sunday 22 April 2012

Who am I ?

What do you know about your self? What do you think who you are or what you are? Do you also think on this questions only in the spare time. Actually you only think of this question when you got the time to think about only your self. This is not selfishness, or a  stupid question which come in your mind when you don't do anything productive. It is all a matter of self consciousness, I'm not getting spiritual but I'm going to talk about spirits.
  1. Think of your brain as a radio which is set for a default frequency, cannot receive a alien frequency.
  2. When we ask about what am "I"? It is nothing the thing we call a soul, or a spirit or a memory flash is nothing but a very specified frequency. The matter is, how it is formed, as per my view... which is nothing but just a spare time thought is...When we are born, we have a super computing data analyzer set to receive a particular frequency along with a blank memory.
  3. We are the one who receive the data in the form of a particular vision which could be defined by our genetic structure of our brain along with the signal which we receive from our surrounding ( as we know our universe is full of energy spectrum and also we know there is a large spectrum of energy which are yet undetected and electromagnetic radiation have different kind of effects on our brain ). 
So it is all a matter of brain disturbance caused by various signals which are being received by our brain from the time it has started working. I have earlier talked about spirits, I am not going to forget about them. Actually those are also something which has an existence in this very populated universe. When we die, the form in which our memories are generated is incapable of existing in this dimension and hence have to escape in the dimension which we call a universe without time or space ( this space has some different kind of issues to ponder we will discuss about them later, so hold up your exictement for the next time ). And only for this reason most of the time we don't encounter with them but sometimes some special memories and frequency generate a special kind of binding together or due to some astronomical cosmic activity these memories are forced to be trapped in this universe only and becomes a paradox which neither belongs to this universe nor to that, to which it should. And whenever we meet with them they generate a fluctuation in our brain signals resulting in horrible images or the hallucinations. So next time whenever you receive a unexpected signal or in simple words whenever you meet a spirit wish him hello from my side and tell your brain to behave normally. Trust me I have tried it on my self. it works.

I know there are a lot of questions you can ask and can be asked on this topic, and there are a very less which I can guess right now. So I am waiting for those one which you got in your mind. Please ask me, I am also waiting for the question which I cannot answer.

For any other Information on this topic contact on my email.