Tuesday 1 May 2012

Probabilities of Possibilities

Probabilities of Possibilities

Most of the time I think what if I be superman and then the reality strikes my head that this all just a daydream. But What if it happens? I think I'll fly through clouds go up and up till I reach the moon and also in the spare time I'll travel across the whole universe and some of the most sensational places of different planets starting from earth. I'll save the world from terror attacks and save people from deadly disasters. But am I really a superman? The answer is "no". 'O! Why I can't be superman?' Actually I can. There are a lot of universe with various definition of everything which is possible.We think our imaginative power is quite strong we can think of anything in our minds, guys there is a good news. You can never think of such things which can never be possible, even if you dream of liquefied earth or a planet completely made up of gold. What happen when you place two plane mirror with there reflecting sides towards each other parallel. You will have infinite reflection and never be able to see the last image, so now what is this? The actual distance between two mirrors multiplied infinite times, creating an infinitely long rectangular cave.

When our universe was born it was placed in such position that it was also multiplied by infinite probabilities of possibilities. And hence there are always possibilities of everything in this dimension equivalent to "H" cross upon 2 pie. There are a lot of tiny holes in the quantum world known as wormholes which is found in the atom at subatomic level. These holes are a kind of gateway for each system running in this universe. As there are very negligible things which are not made up of matters, strongly energized bodies are so unstable because for them there is everything or every event happens so rapidly and randomly that they barely get anything of it. This creates so much of uncertainty for atom to stay in the form and be stable for its existence. That is why when things travel at the speed of light they posses so much of energy that they become unpredictable and start loosing there existence in the universe, it should not be estimated that they run into other coexisting parallel universe as the fundamental laws of physics remains unchanged but it can not be said that they can not be transformed because as we know in the ultimate conditions laws of physics behaves differently. So, as we were discussing the principle of uncertainty with relation to infinite probabilities, the speed of light gives the matter the character of unpredictability and the matter starts loosing its existence in this dimension as nothing can achieve the speed of light defined by the laws of this dimension. But for this case wormholes are a kind of exceptions because they are a kind of short cuts in our universe and they create a kind of paradox. According to this we have never been alone in this universe even if we do not find even our shadow walking besides us. There are no possibilities of imagining something which is collectively impossible for all the universe so even if we think very nerdy or very funny or very weird there is nothing we can think of which is not possible. Likewise if I say what are the possibilities of getting hit by a meteor while writing this blog, we know what are the chances of getting hit by a meteor while writing a blog in Delhi but there is nothing that can complete eliminate the possibilities. So I should not be disappointed because if I could dream of being superman then in some parallel universes I am "SUPERMAN". "World! hold on, I am coming.!"

Well I know that was not funny. But it is really a very good thing to know, that there are so many similar universe of this dimension. This creates a lot of possibilities of thing which no single person can imagine. 

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