Have you ever been in love with someone? I hope you do or
these methods will seem nothing to you but Bullshit.
So when you are in deep true love- in the deepest depths of
your heart’s feelings- so deep that you -even start loving yourself- you become
possessive about him or her-you just want to completely pour yourself in-
Because this is the purest emotion you can feel- you are so deeply in love that
you do your best to love him or her in every moment of your life- Because you
know you have a very limited time and you might never get the chance again- I
am talking about this deep shit. I hope you have loved someone this deep or you
are just a mediocre.
So now back to the aching part- when you lose someone you
love- you just almost lose your own self- you fall into a deep trench of
desperation, pain agony and a lot of suffering- you just want everything back-
you don’t know how and it doesn’t even matter- you just want it back. You try
everything to come out of that desperation- you in your mind build hope for
reunion but nothing works as you are too desperate- you may start behaving
oddly-start fighting with everyone-you cry and try to do all the bullshit you
can imagine- just to get the person back in your life. If things have worked
for you and that person comes back anyhow- You are the luckiest lad alive!!!
But if they haven’t- Welcome to the party of Broken Hearts. Hurray!! You are not alone!!
There was a line I read somewhere- it was something like:
“Greatest moments in our lives often come after huge suffering, so if
life is hard right now, have faith, it will all be worth in the end”
So if this line is enough to get you out of your suffering-
If not- we still got few things left.
If not- we still got few things left.
1. GO OUT- No
matter how difficult or impossible it is just go out- Go somewhere- a place
where you have not gone with your partner- This is just to change your
environment- Meet people- Avoid staying alone- laugh with people or cry with
them your choice- Tell your story- Travel- Be safe- or take risks- just do not
die or you won’t be able to try next step.
2. Learn something- Try to learn the language that you have always wanted- learn new skill-
Do maths- Learn wheelie- learn whatever fascinates you- Just learn- Exhaust
yourself enough that you cannot do anything else- Run farthest- Eat- Try
singing competition with strangers- Go to church- Gurudwara (Best option- Go
and offer your service in the Langar), Temple or Mosque- Do whatever just learn
something anyhow.
3. Become the person you idolised- If you love superheroes be them- Think like them- Like a
political leader? Try to put yourself in his/her shoe and think how they would
think? What would bother them right now? If they are champions then so are you-
If they have suffered or worked hard/smart then you should try too.
4. Become Selfish or Selfless- You should either start loving yourself and become absolute
selfish or just give up everything that you know- Break your own personal rules
that binds you or stops you from getting free- follow whatever you think would
do greater good- Except for dying- Because if you are dead you wouldn’t know if
things were working and going to be better somehow.
5. It’s not about you- Accept it- the world doesn’t spin around you- whatever has happened its
scale is really big- this is not just about you- you are part of a very big
equation- a small character in the big picture- stay curious about what is
about to come- may be that will be more painful-may be that will be nothing at
all- may be that will change everything and will show you what exactly it was
all about. Be patient- Something will come up.
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