Monday 2 October 2017

How social are we?

23/09/2017                                                                                                                                  2:31 AM

We humans created societies saying that we are social animals. But we are not fully social animals.

In our natural state we envy each other, we compete with one another, we want more for us than others.
Bees are social, they work together. They do not compete among one another. They work as one and takes care of all the other bees as well.
Here we humans have a bad history of wars based on our ideological differences, religion, geography, color, race, ethnicity etc. We can find as many differences among ourselves as much as we want and start believing ourselves better than others in some ways and start fighting over this. But there is no point in that we all got only one earth to share and we all are human race, children of this earth.

We own nothing as nothing is given specifically to us by nature, we just started following our own rule of finder's keeper. But that's not natural, that's not fair or social.

Ultimately all the resources have to be shared by all of us. Now it has become more important than ever to think beyond our own personal agendas.
Think on behalf of species and on behalf of the children of planet earth. Because this is the only boat or home or world we got for now and as long as we are divided we are not going to find another to offer to to our next generations. 

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